Emmaus Wageningen used items

The Emmaus Wageningen location
Emmaus Wageningen, Herenstraat 9
Vijzelstraat 1

Emmaus thrift stores full of secondhand items are open:

Wednesday from 10:00 to 14:00

Saturday from 10:00 to 16:00 



TOTAL TURNOVER: €10.500!!!

Here one can find all kinds of goods which, after being collected, sorted out, repaired and eventually displayed, are for sale in the shop at Herenstraat 9 or Vijzelstraat 1. Which articles you will find is fairly unpredictable, but there is a basic structure of 5 departments: downstairs you will find furniture, beds, lighting and electrical appliances; upstairs small household goods, bags, toys and miscellaneous shop.

Part of our collection is on display at our shop at Vijzelstraat 1. It is just around the corner of the Herenstraat 9 location. In this shop clothing, shoes, curtains,  books and vinyl records are available.

When you buy large items, they can be delivered in Wageningen at the cost of € 7,50 only. You may also use our transport-bike, which is free of charge, to bring things home. Otherwise you can collect goods you’ve bought from Tuesday through Saturday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

The Emmaus community is established in Wageningen in 1981. It is a workers-only community consisting of approximately 25 people. Depending on the day you visit us, you will find different people at  work.  Tuesdays and Thursdays we collect goods with our van. Each Friday morning we have a teammeeting with key co-workers.

Our expenses, mainly wages and exploitation, are paid from the shop revenues. What is left is given to projects. The projects committee is judging incoming requests for support and awards money for approved projects.

Emmaus Wageningen is an independent foundation. The national Federatie Emmaus Nederland (FEN) is the central organisation in which all Dutch Emmaus departments are united. To maintain our mutual connection we regularly meet and have thematic days.

Emmaus is closed Sundays and Mondays.

Emmaus Wageningen
Herenstraat 9/Vijzelstraat 1
6701 DG  Wageningen

tel. 0317 422 140

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